New Officers
By James E. Pustejovsky
This past January, AERA held its annual elections, which included elections for several officer positions in our SIG. Results were announced recently Officers for the 2023-2025 term will be:
- Program co-chairs: Carlton Fong (Texas State University) and Derek Rodgers (University of Iowa)
- Secretary: Amanda Neitzel (Johns Hopkins University)
- Treasurer: Megha Joshi (American Institutes of Research)
- Graduate Student Representative-at-Large: Qiyang Zhang (Johns Hopkins University)
- SIG Chair: James Pustejovsky (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
I look forward to working with our new officers. I would also like to offer special thanks to our current officers and to everyone who stepped forward to run for office this year. We all appreciate your commitment to the SIG and willingness to serve as an officer, and I hope that you will remain involved with our work in the future.