Upcoming Seminars
February 14, 2025, 11 am CST
Adapting Methods for Correcting Selective Reporting Bias in Meta-Analysis of Dependent Effect Sizes
Speaker: Dr. Man Chen, University of Texas at Austin
Description: Various methods have been proposed to adjust for selective reporting bias in average effect size estimates under the assumption that each study produces one effect size. However, there remains a need to investigate the selection bias adjustment methods in meta-analysis with multiple, dependent effect sizes. In this presentation, I will demonstrate novel adaptations of several adjustment methods based on a multivariate working model and weighting scheme that correct for selective reporting bias while handling dependencies among effect sizes. I will present the performance of existing adjustment methods and the novel adaptations based on an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study. I will conclude with a discussion of limitations, future directions, and suggestions for correcting selection bias in the context of dependent effect sizes. The presentation will cover research described in a pre-print available at https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/jq52s.
March 14, 2025, 11 am CST
Launching a Living Systematic Review of SEL in a Politically Charged Climate: From Evidence Synthesis to Practical Significance
Speaker: Dr. Christina Cipriano, Yale School of Medicine
April 18, 2025, 11 am CST
Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence in Education: Opportunities and Challenges of Meta-Aggregation
Speaker: Dr. Yukiko Maeda, Purdue University
May 16, 2025, 10 am CST (Note the special time!)
Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis Projects: Rationale, Concepts and Pitfalls
Speaker: Dr. Richard Riley, University of Birmingham